In order to create the most balance at home, in addition to the house, it is also important to arrange your exterior according to the Feng Shui rules. To do so, you need to balance yin and yang through the 5 basic elements of Feng Shui. So how to achieve this balance?

The elements bringing Yin and Yang in the garden

One of the basic principles of a Feng Shui Garden is the balance between Yin and Yang. In this philosophy, it is all about the balance between the two. The first element that can bring Yang in the garden is the sun. Plants and water are also classified as Yang elements. The presence of humans and animals is also considered to bring Yang energy. Similarly, noise and movement are also classified in this category. In the elements that can bring Yin energy, there are shadows and cold or coolness. Stillness and silence are also classified in this category.

The 5 elements that must be integrated in the Feng Shui Garden

According to the Feng Shui philosophy, a perfect balance cannot be achieved without the presence of all 5 elements: wood, fire, earth, water and metal. The element of fire is represented primarily by the sun, campfires, fires for grilling, and many others that can produce heat. Therefore, it is important to create an open space to let the sun shine through, and if space permits, a corner to make a good fire from time to time. The earth element is the most present part of the garden. Besides earth, this element is also present in the form of stones, crystals, or pottery. Water will be present by creating a space for a fountain or a pond, according to the taste of each. Among the most neglected elements in a traditional garden compared to a Feng Shui Garden is metal. This element can be present through wrought iron garden furniture, or garden tools, watering cans, etc. The wood element is the most abundant in the garden because it is what makes a garden. In this element wood is classified as all the plants, but also the fabrics.

Designing your garden according to the 9 sectors of the Feng Shui philosophy

As in a house, a Feng Shui Garden is a space that must also be divided into 9 sectors. Each sector symbolizes each aspect of life. In the South, it is the sector of reputation, and it is the fire element that should be more dominant. In the Southwest, the Earth element must be more abundant because it is the corner of the couple. The West, which is the sector of children, must have a metal presence. In the Northwest, there should be a predominance of metal, as this is the sector of support. The pond, the pool, or the fountain must be in the North, because this sector represents the quarry. The North-East sector which represents wisdom, must have the presence of the earth element. The East, which represents the family, must have a predominance of the wood element. And to attract more fortune and wealth, it is important to put some wood elements also in the Southeast.